突如、セルビアに住む事になりました、Mame(豆) といいます。
なんと平均身長が男182cm、女166. 8cmと言うかなーり高身長なお国なのです!!!
以前、仕事で高身長で有名な国の方々に囲まれて、 ゴールデンレトリバーに囲まれた豆柴の様な気持ちになった事を思 い出します。。。
こんな豆柴の様な私ですが、楽しくセルビアで暮らせる様、 皆様応援して下さーい️
Hello, Serbia.
I'm Mame from Japan.
Suddenly it was decided that we have to live in the Serbia while one year.
Unfortunately I didn't know about Serbia well.
But I searched about Serbia, I got that it's very interesting country.
I'm so exciting to go Serbia and speaking with Serbian people now.
By the way, I'm 4 feet 10 inches tall.
If you feel that the hobbit is coming, it's me. Please be nice to her!
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